First fan fiction: Kamikaze girls

Okej jag kommer försöka mig på lite fan fictions också. Och de kommer vara på både Engelska och Svenska och jag är inte precis expert på att stava men vill ni läsa så läs annars låt bli ;p
Den första jag kommer skriva är från filmen Kamikaze Girls eller Shimotsuma monogatari. inom "dessa" Är det Ichigo som pratar/tänker och inom *dessa* Är det Momoko för att ni inte ska bli allt för förvirrande ;P När det inte är ** eller "" så är det mer som berättelse än karaktärerna som interagerar.
"I remember the first time I saw her, She were wearing one of her frilly dresses. (witch she still Uses)
I just wanted to put my fist right in that doll like face, oh shit she was just like a princess.I really wanted to make her cry, she looked like a little 12 year old girl but she was the same age as me, can you imagine the chock?"
*I remeber the first time I saw her, she had her really ugly Yanki Clothes and her hair was bleched, dry and Stringy.
She looked at me from top to toe and I remember that I was so scared of her. She had a rough language and I just wanted her to leave my home as soon as possible. The reason she was at my home was becuse I had taken some old clothes from my fathers gangster period and try to sell them to earn money to buy more clothes at Baby The star shine bright witch is my favorite cloth store*
After some adventures togheter they became friends. Ichigo Shirayuri a hard rough girl and Momoko Ryugasaki a cute girl that prefered to have no friends and be alone.
*what do you think of me staring my own company and make my own dresses?*
"What? why would you do that? It will only be some frilly prinsess dresses that only you want to wear, we already have that kinds of stores"
*I looked over at Ichigo and thought about her hair, she would look really pretty if she stoped bleach it and start to brush it, and wear other clothes and maby a little make up just. Shes not ugly she just cant dress. Ichigo? if I make my own company would you like to be a modell for me?*
"I couln´t belive what she was asking me, as if I would ever take those frilly  dresses on me. No way! Do you think im stupid?"
And years went by and finally Momoko had made her own line of clothes, and she had persued Ichigo to be her model, at the beging it worked really good at the photo session, but after a few minutes Ichigo got irritated of the make up artist that tryed to make her more doll like so she hit her right in her face and while she was at hit she jumped on the camera man who was standing closest to her.
"yeah that dint work out great but we keept on using Ichigo as a modell and the make up artist was always affriad if her and so was the camera man even tough he is much bigger than her. But she looked beautiful"

okej kanske inte så fantasifullt och en del är verkligen stulet från filmen, men som sagt är detta min första så förhoppningsvis blir jag bättre ;)

Jag äger inga av karaktärerna eller namnen.

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